Sunday, October 2, 2011

Welcome to Sex and Any City

Hello fellow perverts, sluts, jerkoffs and the like!

I wish you a warm welcome to Sex and Any City, my little experiment in the world of blogging. I've many times attempted to get one of these started, never finding the right hook and if you can't find something specific to write about, then who's gonna give a shit? But today I had an idea.

I had just finished a very satisfactory session of self-pleasuring (i.e. I was rubbing one out) and had the same first post-orgasm thought I always have, "I can't believe I was jerking off to that!" It's true. After I get off, 95% of the time I feel vaguely disgusted by the fantasies that were turning me on. I've actually had this conversation many times with other women who also feel that somehow after masturbating, porn (or erotica or personal fantasies) has suddenly become gross. Since I know for a fact I'm not the only one to feel this way, I thought this may be something worth blogging about and thus Sex and Any City was born.

I want to write about sex from the female perspective. Of course, the internet is littered with such blogs, but I want to write about the stuff I haven't read before, no matter how crude it may be. And trust me. This blog is gonna be FILTHY. Expect topics to range from the typical (sex in the media, penis size, etc.) to the... not so typical (what exactly was I masturbating to today).

Because my mother is a hell of a Facebook/Twitter/What-Have-You stalker, I am using a pseudonym for now. I've chosen Eve Kendall as my nom de plume, the sexiest of Hitchcock heroines if there ever was one.

So come back soon! I will be ;)

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